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One low cost way to make wooden floors look like floorboards: Measure the width you want the "boards" to be. Put a ruler along the lines and use a ball point pen (already used, no splotching allowed!) to mark the lines--pressing hard will make an actual indentation in the wood, and when you stain over that, it looks just like separate floorboards!

Need some clocks in the house? Find a large button and glue a clock face on it--clock faces can be found in magazine ads for watches. Toothpaste caps make excellent planters. Some dried beans and grains look like eggs or potatoes, great for a kitchen.

Some photo developing services will offer their customers free contact proof sheets of their color or black and white negatives. The pictures on this sheet are the same size as the negatives, and as durable as the regular sized prints--a super way to personalize your house!

On the back of most checkbook covers you will find a calendar just the right scale to use in your dollhouse.

Keep an eye open for fabrics with very small print. With another piece of suitable fabric as a backing and quilt batting in between, the fabric can be sewn into very attractive miniature bed quilts or cushions.

Keep your miniature wallpapers safe inside the cardboard tubes from paper towels, preventing the sheets from becoming faded or dog-eared. If you make caps from cards or some other item, the paper will also be protected from light and fading

When you wash out sable or real hair brushes after using them for watercolor or acrylic, place a drop or two of Woolite on the bristles to get them really clean and leave them in good condition, then rinse the brushes in clear water. When you clean brushes that have been used for oil-based paints and have been cleaned in solvent, rinse them in a little water that's had some cream rinse added to it, then rinse them in clear water. This will help recondition the brushes that the turpentine would dry out too quickly.

For cleaning white glue out of awkward corners, such as in a miniature glass cabinet, use a Q-tip. Wet one end for swabbing the glue out of the corner and follow up with the dry end.

That instant glue bottle is so easily knocked over while working. Try attaching an aerosol can lid to the bench with rubber cement or double-sticky tape and set the bottle in it.

Very convincing bathroom towels can be cut from printed toilet tissues. A pile of folded towels on the shelf looks good, too.

Wrap a piece of balsa wood sheet with Saran Wrap, then use it as a base to assemble pleated drapes using pins, bobby pins, and household cement as necessary. Glue will not adhere to the plastic wrap.